Bodine Type ABL BLDC Controls with 115VAC Input:
After a successful product life of over 30 years, it is time for our “high-voltage” 115VAC-input ABL brushless DC motor speed controls to retire.
This notice is to inform you that we are obsoleting these controls after 30+ years of service. Based on current parts availability, we can supply the control boards for another two years, with last-time-buy shipments on or before July 2024. Please plan your product orders, usage and last-time-buy quantities accordingly. Once the 2-year phase-out time frame has passed, Bodine will not be offering a replacement product for these five (5) ABL stock controls with 115VAC input.
Affected stock models: 3910, 3911, 3912, 3913, and 3921.
If your application requires a variable speed, maintenance-free gearmotor/motor, powered by either 115VAC or 230VAC, then one of our inverter-duty gearmotors and speed control system might be a great alternative. Our application engineering team will be happy to assist you with crossing any Bodine 130VDC brushless DC gearmotor or motor drive system to a similar-performance Bodine AC inverter-duty (3-phase) gearmotor/motor and speed control system.
Please send your product cross-over request to:
To download this notice as a PDF, please click here.