New Bodine BLDC Speed Controls: Type ABL-3906C, 12 or 24 VDC
The new type ABL-3906C low-voltage brushless DC controls provide variable speed control for BLDC (ECM) gearmotors and motors. The controls operate from a DC power supply or from a battery (12 VDC or 24 VDC, depending on the control model). They are ideal for portable or remote applications where connection to an AC line is not possible, such as mobile medical devices, solar powered water circulators, thermal solar power generators, chemical injection pumps at oil wells, and automatic gate openers.
Motor speed can be controlled by an external potentiometer, the onboard speed trim potentiometer, or a 0-5 VDC analog input signal. A Smart Reverse™ circuit prevents plug reversing if the user accidentally or intentionally changes the direction signal without bringing the motor to a stop first. The controls have continuous output rating of up to 20 Amps, and are capable of peak output current of up to 30 Amps. Trim pots allow the user to adjust max speed, torque (current) limit, and acceleration time. The 24VDC models provide system-matched performance with stock Bodine 24V gearmotors and motors. Bodine also provides 12V gearmotors as OEM custom solutions.
- Model 3909 drives Bodine 24V brushless DC motors and gearmotors up to 3/8HP.
- Model 3908 drives custom 12V BLDC motors and gearmotors. Call for details (773-478-3515, U.S.).
- Compact and robust surface mount technology design.
- High performance, system matched drive solutions.
- Competitively priced; expert application support.
- cURus marked and RoHS compliant.
- Manufactured and designed by Bodine Electric Company.
Application Note: 12V brushless DC gearmotors and motors are available as custom or built-to-order models. Standard 24 VDC brushless DC gearmotors and motors can be operated from a 12V control, but performance will not be to nameplate specifications. Please contact our technical support team for more information:
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